About this episode:
We hear about Smart Cities, but what does it mean to get the stamp of approval and truly be a Smart City?
It’s a giant question that we’re tackling in this week’s episode of Innovation Calling. It’s not just about having a lot of technology that makes smarter street lights, and allows traffic to flow more easily. Instead, it really is so much more.
We talked to Smart Cities Expert Maria Smith-Brackenridge who is helping to lead the charge with helping cities re-look at how they can build and use what they already have to create an environment that residents and even corporations not just want to live in, but to truly be a part of.
This episode will make you change the way you determine how you buy your next home because you’ll definitely want to be part of a city that is focusing on this initiative.
About Maria Smith-Brackenridge:
Maria is passionate about designing communities by the citizen, for the citizen. By engaging leaders to incorporate next generation technologies into policy, infrastructure, and guiding the conversation around investing in futuristic business models, Maria is creating true public and private partnerships to advance the vision of a connected community through solution design and financing models.
Maria has 20 years experience in Economic Development, Business Development and Sales, Strategy, and driving solutions for exceeding profit goals and market share. Her career experience has been leveraged in the public sector, start-up ventures, Fortune 500 companies, and as an independent.
You can find Maria on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariasmithbrackenridge/
Highlights from Maria’s episode:
03:30 - Cities need to look at Smart Cities as a business model, not simply as government
12:30 - Prediction: IOT will enable and evolve into IOP (Internet of People)
21:17 - Community collaboration encourages new applications for employment, skills & jobs
23:06 - Future Smart City will be less technically focused & more focused on human intention
35:55 - Where do US cities stand compared to the rest of the world?
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